Textile Mills

The industrial landscape of our textile town was recognized across the world as the symbol of man’s technological dominance over Mother Nature’s stubbornly held secrets.

The very survival of thousands of downtrodden, and nearly starving immigrants over the previous decades had depended on the constant, clanking beat of thousands of weaving machine with their many bobbins putting out tens of thousands of yards of textile fabric for the world market.

This was the Lowell technical landscape that many mill operatives had once depended upon. However, technological innovations in North and South Carolina presently threatened New England’s dominance nationwide.

The economic future of these hapless individuals suddenly took center stage in the pages of The Lowell Sun as this grim reality struck home.

The following select excerpts from that newspaper are listed below to remind us all the city’s dilemma.

Question of the Day in Lowell Sun,-2-29-1952
Yards of State Wool, 8-05-1954
Poltics get involved. , 2-21-1953
Textile Importance, 2-07-1954
Closing the mills? , 1-07-1952
Talbot, a big mill, 4-22-1951
Was Textron to blame?, 11-19-1952

Listed above is the sad story of our beloved textile mills during those transition years.