

The fields of human enterprises that fall under the broad umbrella term of “Humanities” cover just about all vocations and avocations known to man and woman since the dawn of time, six thousand or, maybe, one hundred thousand years ago.

This wide spectrum of starting times – about 94, 000 years in duration – is still an issue of scientific and religious considerations plus long, academic debates although the typical American believer found in any Christian, religious subcategory such as Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Mennonite, etc., seemingly loses little sleep over this wide, temporal disparity.

Other religious groups still listed under the main spectrum of American believers such as the Hebrew subcategories- Hasidic, XX or Reformed – and Islamic believers, Shia or Sunni – somehow, have found other means of integrating archeological and evolutionary findings with long-held beliefs coming down from their ancient relatives.

Scientific Interests and Studies

Note: Work in Progress – These topics form the essence of further comments and evaluations to be covered here and elsewhere within these pages. End – For now only.

depending on the reader’s historical clock.