Backyard Dilemma

Even in the life of a dedicated fan of future fusion reactors, other important life issues can cross the path of such an aficionado. The following Internet connectivity issue recently cropped its ugly head.

In going from my former Windows 7 computer setting to Windows 10, my relationship with Xfinity, AKA Comcast, was suddenly challenged. As a result, my usual Internet messaging fell by the wayside. The following apologetic email was then forwarded to friends and relatives:

Hello all,

I am having a minor disagreement with the fine folks at Xfinity, AKA Comcast, regarding the immediate installation of a new Wi-Fi cable on a pole located in my neighbor’s backyard. 

I, personally, do not climb old, 75-foot tall, wooden poles intended for radio, TV and Internet connections. That is a given. 

At the age of 84 years, my physician recommends physical activity, yes, but much closer to the Earth.

However, progress to-date follows.

Two Comcast technicians have already visited my place, but there appears to be a disagreement on how best to physically reach the open co-ax connector dangling high above our heads. 

Backyards, today, are loaded with several, dangerous, technical issues that are, sometimes, fraught with possible, bone-crushing and long-term consequences.

As a boy at Lowell’s 179 Ludlam Street, during my early, Tarzan days, such squeamishness would have been laughable, but age brings on wisdom, or so I am told.

Now, I am considering a cleaner WI-FI solution that T-Mobile offers. Apparently, Deutsche Telekom AG, will also be pleased with my hesitancy.

Please note that any and all face-saving advice from my friends and relatives would be greatly appreciated.

Paul, lost in Albuquerque.