Men’s Group topic – 10-24-2023

Men’s Group topic – 10-24-2023 

I, sometimes, get too involved in TV news and I often feel constantly confused and upset about everything. The big question is:  

“How to be generally unaffected by all the bad stuff out there?” 

My simple answer is to focus my hours on activities that I enjoy and leave much of the remaining turmoil to the experts out there. 

Here, below, you will find material for a Men’s Group meeting scheduled to happen soon. Perhaps you, the reader, also resonate with these issues? 

Please consider the following entry: It represents my personal approach to staying calm and focused during our usual, mind-altering digital madness.  

A New Approach to Life in USA – 10-23-2023  

Goal: Calm Daily Anxieties over World Events 

The schedule includes: 

  1. Spend one half-hour per day feeding backyard creatures in my backyard. Included in this menagery are sparrows, doves, mice, squirrels, lizards and an occasional hawk, which usually frightens the others. 
  1. Enjoy a few intervals, each day, dedicated to watching their antics 
  1. Go to a local gym for a 1/2 hour of exercise & 45 minutes of sauna/hot tub, 3 times per week 
  1. Play with Sandy, my favorite canine, at least, twice a day 
  1. Try to watch Animal Planet & National Geographic every day 
  1. Also, daily enjoy YouTube  for European news and cultural events 
  1. Work on the memoir book for 2 hrs per day 
  1. Enjoy my niece’s company & observations consistently 
  1. Talk about world events with colleagues about 20 minutes each day 
  1. Spend about one hour in the middle of the night, quietly alone in my den (without distractions) just contemplating the meaning of life like Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Emerson might have done. Do this twice/week 

Serious Avoidance Practices 

  1. Spend less than ½ hour per day watching American news programs 
  1. Do not try to solve the Israel-Palestine question at 4 A.M.
  1. Avoid solving the climate crisis and American political debates