
Québec – Terre de nos aïeux

As a child at l’École Saint Louis de France, my classmates and I were encouraged ever day to celebrate our French Canadian customs, culture, language and Catholic beliefs by starting our school day with an enthusiastic  anthem while facing the flag (drapeau) of the Quebec province.

There, we were enthralled by the words of the anthem called, “O Canada, …”

History – Histoire

To better appreciate our ethnic background, the early history of Quebec including stories about Champlain, Père Breboeuf, Louis XIV, La Salle, les Jésuites, Maisonneuve. etc. was outlined for us until the disastrous fall of General Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham. The subsequent history appeared less glorious and was only told with some associated shame. The subsequent expulsion of the Acadians to Louisiana by the British overlords left me with the deep impression that “les canadiens français” were an inferior lot, which I carried with me as a token of remembrance for decades to come.

The beautiful and eloquent description of these kingly days of long ago was presented to us by the Soeurs de l’Assomption in the history of the province.