Cardinal Richard Cushing

All Catholics living within the Greater-Boston region looked to Cardinal Richard Cushing for personal guidance on how best to live their lives during the tempestuous period from xxx to the days of xxx.

The cleric, Richard Cushing, had an impressive ability in fund-raising to provide financial assistance to poor, working-class Catholics, who were barely staying above water in the post-war years. Also, his congenial attitude facilitated the mending of broken fences between the local Catholic and Protestant civic leaders during the Depression years.

The following excerpts taken from the Lowell Sun shed some light on the man’s influence on those days of challenge and hardship.

Cushing Charity Fund
Trip to Iseland after visiting Ireland
Galway, Ireland visit
Cushing’s talk on Communism
Tewksbury State Hospital visit
Unions support Cushing
Fighting Communism
Concord Boy Scout gets award
Boston helps Poland
Cushing at Vatican City
St. John’s Hospital Building fund gets $50,000 pledge