
Facts, Fiction. Hunches, Hints, Fantasies, etc.

Our daily lives seem to be made more interesting, hopeful, fanciful, pleasant and even comical when we allow ourselves to indulge in the vagaries, imaginings, claims, rantings and ravings of our fellow citizens, who claim to be studying our world from the development of the Universe since its inception about 13.8 billion years ago with a particular focus on the long-line of evolutionary changes in the Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, our hereditary ancestors from days long past.

The Neanderthal cave paintings found in Lascaux, France and in the Neander Valley of Germany challenge us, stay-at-home, couch potatoes, to get off our duff and bury ourselves in the discoveries of this mysterious existence, which we call life.

Of course, other strains of living things like protozoa, ameba, algae to tomato plants and Siliqua trees (my biology training is unfortunately quite limited) have also gotten our attention since, perhaps, they, too, may hold important discoveries about the ancient past and the exciting future, which Mother Nature has in store for us.

Are her plans well-calculated in a Newtonian-like, electro-mechanical scheme or will there be further quantum mechanical, probabilistic outcomes that defy our present understanding of this Super-Mega-Variety Show?

How many years will the typical, present-day human being need to spend at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva followed by decades of archaeological studies at universities scattered across the planet and, then,  followed by doctoral theses in mathematics, linguistics, drama, biology, psychology, American baseball and human sensitivity training before our human quest for knowledge is satisfied?

How will all this knowledge improve the quality of our lives and, perhaps,  make all elected, political figures more humane and people-centered in their decisions?